A downloadable game

Study Description

Dear participants,

welcome to the VR Tower Experience study and thank you for your participation. This is a scientific study of the University of Bremen.

In this study, you will be located in a virtual environment. Your task is to create platforms of different heights. Afterwards, you will be exposed to the height of the created platforms and complete a short exercise on top of them. During the study, you will answer questionnaires. The study will last approximately 40 minutes. Please note that, at this moment, only Windows is supported, you cannot conduct this study on mobile, Mac or some other system. It is only possible to run this study once on each computer.

By downloading and playing the game, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the informed consent form in a previous questionnaire (download the consent form here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mh4_-zaJ6F32jVINEOxVmzoueD5O36Zk/view).

Please read the following instructions carefully to complete the study successfully.

VR Setup

The VR application requires a regular interaction space of 2x3 m which is properly calibrated. Otherwise, the experience could fall unintended states, or the tasks could not be completed. Therefore, please calibrate your VR setup before opening the application.



In the application, you should be standing on the ground in the center of a white circle with footsteps. If you spawn somewhere else in the scene, please walk (physically, not using the controllers) to the indicated spot.


After calibrating your system as described above, please follow these instructions to install and run the application:

  1. Download the application from this site and unpack the .zip.
  2. Connect your SteamVR-compatible headset to your PC.
  3. In the unpacked folder, find and double-click "the height-perception-xr.exe".
  4. Follow the instructions in VR and complete the study.
  5. IMPORTANT: At the end of the study, you will receive your Prolific completion code in VR - Write that code down.
  6. Return to Prolific and enter the completion code.

If you have any further comments or anything you like to share regarding this study, feel free to reach out to us via this page or mail (dimi@uni-bremen.de). Thank you so much for your time and participation.


height-perception-xr.zip 86 MB